Merge context in Nintex Apps is powerful, but not discoverable. Currently users have to "just know" that merge syntax exists and type in the correct variables and syntax (often by frequent referencing between the documentation and model). Nintex A...
Dont allow Conditions for fields that are not filterable
For example with History objects from Salesforce not all fields are filterable, specifically the OldValue and NewValue fields. Despite not being filterable as stated by Salesforce, you can add a condition for these fields on the Model and they wil...
It would be nice if we could make the Skuid.debug console command made into a component that we could put directly into a page. Taking the code out of it and making it low code/no code.
Add common aggregate formula functions to composer
The aggregate formula functions in this "experiment" are very useful, and would be more useful if they were available in the standard function dropdown in the Skuid composer:
Design Audit Features: See where components and styles are used
When you have a complex app and multiple components and styles, it would be helpful to have a way to see For each component, which pages it's used on For each style variant, which pages it's used on