Page builders frequently use common patterns and layouts. Create reusable widgets that can be shared across pages and orgs.
These can start simple but become increasingly complex:
Level 1 - UI patterns (just components and configuration)
Level 2 - UI patterns + data connection
What would you want to see in these "widgets"?
The UI patterns could be viewable/editable in DSS and available for selection in Composer across apps and pages.
I'd love to be able to build in the Composer from Standard components and maybe wrap with a wrapper and convert to Reusable Component. A way to expose what is and isn't configurable. The ability to nest them. Context, so it could used in Decks.
When we get into data connection: The ability to choose any model(Object) and remap fields(add/remove, also) would be major. Maybe, some new display/enable conditions, like if Model Object != Contact